Collins Engineers, Inc.
The best part of my job is developing creative solutions to ongoing infrastructure issues and providing significant, measurable benefits to our society.
- B.S., Civil Engineering, University of New Hampshire
- M.S., Civil Engineering, University of New Hampshire
$80,000 - $100,000
What is your current job and what does it entail?
I am a senior project manager at the Portsmouth, N.H., office of Collins Engineers, Inc. As a civil engineer and diver, I perform underwater and topside inspection, structural analysis, design, repair and rehabilitation of marine piers, wharves and bulkheads, and roadway and pedestrian bridges. I work with all materials including timber, steel, concrete, stone and composites.
What was the key factor in your career decision?
Exposure to the home-building industry.
What do like most about your career?
The ability to develop creative solutions to ongoing infrastructure issues and provide significant, measurable benefits to our society.
What do you like least about your career?
Limited budgets, hectic scheduling, airports.
What do you do to relax?
Ride a bike, woodworking, read and fix broken things.
Who are your heroes/heroines?
Carl Sagan
What advice would you give a student who expressed an interest in pursuing a career in your field?
Good communication skills and an open mind are essential components of engineering. Work to understand the basics and the more difficult concepts will follow naturally.
Are career opportunities in your field increasing or decreasing and why?
Increasing, due to failing infrastructure. There is a significant amount of competition, however successful firms either find a niche or develop a broad spectrum of skill sets.
What will you be doing 10 years from today?
Instructor in industry-related courses, managing projects of increasing complexity, riding my bike and fixing broken things.